

Our Promise to you

We promise that all tests we sell are CE marked and/or FDA approved, which is a sign of the quality of our products. We provide these high quality tests to enable you to have the option to take control, get quick results at your convenience and to provide confidence in the result. You are then empowered to seek medical advice or make lifestyle changes, if needed, based on your results and your needs.

Why do i need to test myself?

Regular testing helps YOU to keep track of your health in your own time at your convenience using our range of home self-tests. We offer tests for various conditions including PSA tests, home thyroid tests, bowel cancer tests, home allergy tests and many more. Our rapid tests are quick and easy to use and provide you with insightful and reliable information about your health to help you optimise your overall wellbeing. Take our tests to help you achieve your health goals and check your health.

home allergy tests
home allergy tests

Seradiag was formed with the vision to empower anyone to check and understand their personal health and wellbeing via easy-to-use self-tests. We offer a wide range of accurate, high-quality self-tests, at a fair price.

at home health test
at home health test

The majority of diagnostic tests we sell are known as Lateral flow tests or Lateral flow immunoassays. The lateral flow immunoassay (LFI) is an assay platform that is ideally suited for point-of-care (POC) use. Often termed a "dipstick" assay, the LFI format can be used for detection of antibody or antigen in a clinical sample. Since the COVID -19 pandemic, lateral flow testing has become synonymous with COVID -19 (SARS-CoV-2). However, lateral flow technology existed long before COVID. Therefore, different industries and different countries use different terms to describe what lateral flow tests are. Common designations are:

  • Lateral flow test (LFT)

  • Lateral flow device (LFD)

  • Lateral flow assay (LFA)

  • Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA)

  • Lateral flow immunochromatographic assays

  • Dipstick

  • Express test

  • Pen-side test

  • Quick test

  • Rapid test

  • Test strip

home health tests
home health tests

What are lateral flow tests?

How do Lateral flow tests work?

The diagnostic tests we sell usually contain a control line to confirm that the test is working properly and one or more target or test lines. They are designed to include intuitive user protocols and require minimal training. Diagnostic lateral flow tests can be qualitative and read visually, or they provide data when combined with reader technology.

Lateral flow tests are widely used in many industries for point-of-care testing. They can be performed by professionals, trained lay people or patients, in a variety of settings such as the laboratory, clinic or home. In the medical diagnostics industry, there are strict regulatory requirements that must be met for all products.